2.1 Guidelines Introduction
2.2 Supportive School Environment
2.3 Safety
2.3.1 Student Lists and Medical Forms
2.4 Boating Guidelines
2.5 Sun Strategy Guidelines
2.6 Protective Clothing and Footwear Guidelines
2.7 Insect Protection Guidelines
2.8 Behaviour Management Guidelines
2.9 Swimming Guidelines
2.10 Transport Guidelines
2.11 First Aid Guidelines
2.11.1 Field First Aid Kits
2.11.2 First Aid Procedures
2.11.3 Injury to Staff Procedures
2.12 Missing Student Procedure
2.13 Fire Emergency Evacuation Procedure
2.14 Supervision Guidelines
The Environmental Education Centre is a facility of Education Queensland and as such students attending are on an official school excursion. They are therefore subject to official Departmental Policy.
All visiting teachers should be familiar with the Health and Safety related Departmental Policy and Information Statements and sections of the Curriculum Activity Risk Management Guidelines.
This centre upholds Education Queensland's Policy on Supportive School Environment. We have in place a Behaviour Management Plan and Risk Management Policy for students attending this centre.
Our aim is to provide teachers and students with a physically, emotionally and socially safe educational experience.
We believe that it is a shared responsibility of the teachers involved to:
- plan and implement programs which cater for all members of each class
- plan and implement experiences which are developmental, interacting and meaningful
- provide a warm and supportive learning environment
All programs conducted under the supervision of the Centre personnel conform to the Curriculum Activity Risk Management Guidelines. Programs, and school personnel involved in these activities, must have the approval of their school principal.
Schools must provide a trained first aid person to be present at all times during the camp. Centre staff carry first aid kits for all activities away from the centre. All activities will be supervised by a registered teacher. All parents must be informed about the location, instruction and supervision to be provided and activities to be undertaken. The consent forms must contain sufficient information for parents to allow Informed Consent.
Accordingly the following safety strategies must be employed:
(a) Visiting teachers must bring along a copy of each student's relevant medical information (alert list) and any medication required by students or staff. This list and medication will be kept in a central location.
(b) One of the accompanying adults will be appointed 'in charge' of the administration of medication. A record of what medication is administered will be kept on the TEEC Administration of Medication form.
(c) Visiting schools must ensure that at least one adult, with the knowledge and ability to perform first aid, will be present overnight when Centre staff have left.
A complete list of all students attending the camp should accompany the group together with an "Alert List" which should be completed from the "Consent Form" returned by students.
Teachers or adults who administer medication are required to record this information on "Administration of Medication".
All boats operated from this Centre must be controlled in accordance with the guidelines in the centre's CARA documents.
Centre safety boat and canoes are operated by Centre staff who hold the current required qualifications. Current First Aid Certificates are held by all centre personnel.
All boats are equipped with the necessary equipment as specified by the Department of Transport.
This Centre has developed a code of sun protection for staff, visiting staff and students. Programs conducted by the Centre can be in the sun between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm, therefore it is essential that the following is advised:
(a) All teachers and students are required to wear hats, sunscreen and footwear at all times.
(b) Sunscreen SPF 15+ is recommended and should be applied prior to all excursions leaving the buildings and should be reapplied at least 3 times per day.
(c) Climate to be taken into account when planning activities to prevent long periods of exposure during hot weather.
(d) Shirts with sleeves and collars should be encouraged.
(e) Sunscreen and hats will be supplied by the centre when necessary.
It is important to note that teachers should act as role models for their students by complying with these guidelines.
Shoes - Essentially, students will wear shoes at all times.
They should bring:
- a pair of closed in joggers to be worn during all land based activities.
- a pair of secure shoes for use whenever they are in the water or on the shore of the lake (sandals, swimming shoes or reefs are adequate).
- Thongs may be brought along for use when going to the toilet or showers at night time.
Jumpers and raincoats should also be packed, as weather can be unpredictable. Students not complying with these guidelines will be unable to participate in activities.
As insects can be a problem at various times throughout the year it is strongly recommended that insect repellent be used. Staff carry additional repellent if needed on extended expeditions.
This centre works with students from many schools and we strive to support the behaviour management strategies in place within their own school community. Specifically we support strategies in dealing with inappropriate behaviours eg. bullying. Pupils visiting this centre will be made aware of the Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre's "Responsible Behaviour Plan", "Student's Code of Conduct" and "Behaviour Management Plan(summary)". Teachers should also be aware of the Centre's "Behaviour Register Form".
The Duty of Care of the groups that use the centre is shared between the accompanying teachers and the Centre's staff. Ultimate responsibility for the group is held by this centre's Principal.
- Swimming takes place within set boundaries. Students are given clear instructions about what is expected from them whilst swimming.
- Students use a buddy system to ensure their safety.
- A record of each student and their buddy may be kept as they enter and leave the water.
- The blast of a whistle will signify that the water is to be cleared.
- At least two adults (one of whom must be a teacher) should be supervising a class sized group of swimmers.
- For additional information teachers should refer to "Emergency Procedures of Swimming Venue".
Visiting schools hold the responsibility for duty of care for their students when travelling to and from the Centre.
Centre staff are qualified in First Aid and whilst on duty will assist or take charge of any required treatment.
A comprehensive First Aid kit is located on site. In addition all teaching staff carry a field kit. It is important that all groups have a first aid kit for the trip to and from the centre. Schools are requested to use their own kit where possible.
Note: All incidents need to be entered in 'MyHR_WHS' system. This should be carried out ASAP following the incident. Centre administration staff will assist with this process.
All Centre staff will carry a first aid kit at all times while working in the field with students or other client groups.
Phone Numbers for Local Ambulance, Fire, Police, Hospital, Doctor and Poisons Information Centre are posted next to each phone.
Minor Accidents - bruises, cuts grazes, burns, etc not requiring treatment from a medical practitioner.
Minor Injuries - cuts, head injuries, sprains, etc requiring treatment from a medical practitioner.
After assessing the injury and administering first aid the teacher shall:
- Contact the centre Principal where possible
- Contact the parent and the Principal of the school
- Follow parental instructions if given
- Arrange for transportation to hospital or medical centre by parent or ambulance
- Ensure that the student's medical history form is sent with the student.
Major Injuries - injuries involving risks when the patient is moved.
- The teacher will assess the immediate situation and administer appropriate first aid.
- Make the injured person as comfortable as possible
- Seek immediate medical assistance either by radio, telephone or other means.
- Notify the parents and the school Principal
- Assist or accompany emergency services to the injured.
NB: An injured or ill child requiring transport should not be transported alone. An additional adult or child should be present. An injury to an adult is to be attended to by another adult whilst a teacher and/or parent supervise the students.
Procedure to follow if a staff member suffers from severe illness or accident while in the field with students.
It is Centre policy that all visiting school class groups must be accompanied by at least two adults, including the teacher. The visiting adults will accompany each student group in the field, ensuring safety back-up in the event of an injury to a Centre staff member. In the occasion where the class group is divided into more than two groups, visiting adult accompanies one of the groups, then this group shall remain in close contact with at least one other group.
Students are to be briefed regarding the procedure below prior to setting off.
Where only one adult (staff member) is supervising a group of students:
- Students follow the staff member's direction if he/she is still conscious. All staff while in the field must carry mobile telephone for use in this situation
- If the supervisor is unconscious, a small group of students will set off to contact the other group which is nearby.
- Where another adult is in the group:
- the unaffecteded adult takes appropriate action consistent with guidelines above.
- The missing person/persons' group leader must be notified.
- The teacher-in-charge must organise the available staff to search the immediate area for a set length of time. Identified hazardous areas must be included in the search.
- The remaining students must remain supervised.
- The teacher-in-charge must then meet with staff to develop a further plan of action. Teacher or staff should contact Centre.
- The following must be evaluated:
- time limit for search
- communication between searchers and leader
- outer limits of terrain to be searched
- Accurate information must be obtained in writing on the confirmed movements of those missing prior to their disappearance, a clear description of their clothing and footwear, and details of food, water and equipment carried.
- If this search is to no avail, the police must be contacted. Control of the search will then be administered by the police.
- The principal must be notified of the situation.
- A full report of the situation must be written as soon as possible.
- See Fire Emergency Evacuation.
All teachers, teacher aides and administration staff have a duty of care for all children at all times whilst at the Centre. Regulations under the Education Act legally require schools to provide adequate supervision of children's activities.
Our policy aims to ensure that children are properly supervised in all activities, especially at times other than formal instruction sessions. The primary purposes of supervision are to ensure safety of all.
Principles and Guidelines
- Teachers should ensure that as far as possible children are within sight.
- The Centre staff are qualified in First Aid and should be kept informed of all situations requiring First aid or administration of Medication.
- Teachers should acquaint themselves with the procedures for First Aid treatment outlined in the First Aid Guidelines (2.11) of this Health and Safety Policy and Procedures information.
- In the event of an emergency, steps should be taken to ensure the welfare of the remainder of the students.