
Dragnet fishing


Lesson Purpose

  1. Use a dragnet to capture and study the freshwater fish of Tinaroo Dam.
  2. Identify up to 16 species of fish using identification charts.
  3. Discuss the impact imported fish, such as Tilapia, are having on the native fish population.
  4. To view the fish tanks display which illustrates the survival strengths of Tilapia.

Time Needed

1 hr

Year Levels

Year 4 - 7


TEEC staff member

General Comments

TEEC has a special permit to capture and study the freshwater fish of Tinaroo Dam. This is a catch and release program.

Australian Curriculum

During the course of this activity it may be possible to target a number of the "Content Descriptions" across year levels four to seven.


Year 4

Science Understanding
Biological sciences
  • Living things have life cycles.
  • Living things depend on each other and the environment to survive.
Science as a Human Endeavour
Nature and development of science
  • Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships.

Use and influence of science

  • Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions.
Unit 2 :  Sustainable use of places 
  • The importance of environments, including natural vegetation, to animals and people.
  • The custodial responsibility Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have for Country/Place, and how this influences views about sustainability.
  • The use and management of natural resources and waste, and the different views on how to do this sustainably. 


Year 5

Science Understanding
Biological sciences
  • Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment.
Unit 2 :  Managing Australian communities
  • The influence of people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, on the environmental characteristics of Australian places.
  • The environmental and human influences on the location and characteristics of a place and the management of spaces within them.



Year 6

Science Understanding
Biological sciences
  • The growth and development of living things are effected by the physical conditions of their environment.


Year 7

Science Understanding
Biological sciences
  • Classification helps organise the diverse groups of organisms.
  • Interactions between organisms, including the effects of human activities, can be represented by food chains and food webs.

Earth and space sciences

  • Some of Earth's resources are renewable, including water that cycles through the environment,but others are non-renewable.
Science as a Human Endeavour
Nature and development of science
  • Science knowledge can develop through collaboration across the disciplines of science and the contributions of people from a range of cultures.

Use and influence of science

  • Solutions to contemporary issues that are found using science and technology, may impact on other areas of society and may involve ethical considerations.
  • People use science understanding and skills in their occupations and these have influenced the development of practices in areas of human activity.
Geographical Knowledge and Understanding
Unit 1 : Water in the world
  • The classification of environmental resources and the forms that water takes as a resource.
  • The ways that flows of water connects places as it moves through the environment and the way this affects places.

Unit 2 : Place and liveability

  • The factors that influence the decisions people make about where to live and their perceptions of the liveability of places.
  • The influence of environmental quality on the liveability of places.
Last reviewed 06 February 2020
Last updated 06 February 2020