The primary school leadership program at Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre (TEEC) aims to develop the personal and social capability of student leaders. Personal and Social Capability is one of the seven general capabilities in the Australian Curriculum, and is a foundation for learning and for citizenship.
The annual TEEC Leadership Program aims to support schools to develop the leadership skills of Year 6 student leaders.
Key dates
1st December 2023: EOI for PD
7th Feb 2024: ATTENDANCE forms returned
21st to 23rd Feb 2024: Yr 6 Leaders Camp
Term 2 Weeks 9 & 10 - June 2024: Encouragement Visits
Term 4 Week 5 - 28th Oct 2024: North Rewards Day
Term 4 Week 6 - 4th Nov 2024: South Rewards Day
The 2024 camp will be based on 2 geographic clusters
TEEC North will include: Alexandra Bay, Daintree, Wonga, Miallo, Mossman, Port Douglas, Julatten, Mt Molloy, Biboohra, Mareeba, Mutchilba, Dimbulah, Walkamin and Chillagoe State Schools.
TEEC South will include: Tolga, Kairi, Atherton, Herberton, Irvinebank, Ravenshoe, Mt Garnet, Millaa Millaa, Malanda, Butchers Ck & Yungaburra State Schools.
Student leaders attend an annual camp at TEEC (BARRON RIVER CAMPUS) in Term 1 where they begin to plan leadership activities for their school in consultation with their Principal or Teacher. During the year student leaders work with key teachers at their schools to further develop and apply these skills.
Overview of TEEC's contribution to the program
Term 1
Leadership Camp: The students attend a camp in their Cluster groups. This camp is of 3 days duration and focuses on the 10 Leadership Skills: Principals are invited to a session of camp for goal setting with their leaders.
Please use the additional details for Principals contained in the document linked on the right side of this page.
Term 2
TEEC School Visits: (Usually late term 2) A TEEC teacher provides support and encouragement to the leaders by making visits to each school involved in the program. During the visits the students share projects they have been working on and apply their skills by hosting a tour of their school grounds.
Reflection and discussing future directions are important aspects of this visit.
Term 4
Rewards Days: At the end of each year, TEEC organises a REWARDS DAY where students present a speech based on their leadership experiences. Each school presents their Powerpoint and speech relating the experiences and challenges encountered during the year. We share a lunch and the students are invited to participate in a fun activity.
The REWARDS DAY is a great opportunity to acknowledge and congratulate the students on their accomplishments during the year.
Rewards Day 28th Oct 2024 @ Northern School (Venue TBA)
Rewards Day 4th Nov 2024 @ TEEC (Barron River)