Our Cool School - A really cool site with information and activities for Teachers and students across the year levels.
Atherton Tablelands Promotion Bureau - A good start when looking for information about the tablelands.
Waterwatch Australia - Why not get your school involved with this organisation and take an interest in a stream or waterway near you.
The Australian Renewable Energy Website - A terrific resource of information about renewable energy. Try the links to 'In the Home' or 'The Greenhouse Effect' for a start.
Planet Ark - has heaps of information about recycling.
Ecological Footprint Calculator - Use this site to find out how many planets it takes to support your lifestyle and how to reduce your family's footprint.
Solar Schools Website - A lot of schools across Queensland now have solar panels to generate renewable power. Have a look here to see how your school is performing in real time. Compare your school to others.