1.1 Environmental Education
1.2 Learning in the outdoors - ten key outcomes
1.3 Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre - aims
1.4 Why should schools wish to visit this centre?
1.5 What is the role of the Centre Staff?
1.6 What are the roles and responsibilities of visiting teachers?
1.7 What is the role and responsibility of escorting adults and parents?
1.8 The need for informed consent of parents
1.9 What can the Centre provide?
Environmental education provides a framework for students to experience guided, integrated learning across the curriculum in natural environments. They develop skills and understandings while valuing a positive relationship with natural environments and promoting the sustainable use of these environments.
At Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre Student learning can be categorised under two broad learning strands:
To create an understanding and belief in caring for the environment, environmental learning fosters positive sustainable behaviours and attitudes in young people.
“Education for sustainability develops the knowledge, skills, values and world views necessary for people to act in ways that contribute to more sustainable patterns of living.” (Australian Curriculum. Cross-curriculum Priorities - Sustainability)
Personal and Social Capability
Learning in the outdoors allows children to develop physical skills in different and challenging situations as well as exercising important social skills such as teamwork and leadership.
“…….lack of exposure to natural environments denies children the opportunity to develop understandings and experiences that will have a long term impact on the quality of their lives, particularly in relation to their physical health and wellbeing and ‘character capabilities’ such as application, self-regulation, empathy, creativity, and innovation, and their capacity to be successful learners and active contributing members for a sustainable society. (Malone, K. and Waite, S. (2016) Student Outcomes and Natural Schooling. Plymouth: Plymouth University)
Effective environmental and outdoor education programs in schools provide -
Enjoyment - enjoy participating and adopt a positive attitude to challenge, learning and adventure.
Confidence and character - develop confidence and character through accepting challenges.
Health and well-being - appreciate the benefits of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.
Social and emotional awareness - appreciate the contributions and achievements of themselves and others.
Environmental awareness - understand the importance of conservation and sustainable development.
Activity skills - develop physical skills they can use in outdoor activities.
Personal qualities - demonstrate initiative, self-reliance, responsibility, perseverance, and commitment.
Lifelong skills - develop and extend the skills of communication, problem-solving, leadership and teamwork.
Motivation - always aim to do their best
Broadened horizons - become more aware of different environments and cultures.
(adapted from ‘High Quality Outdoor Learning. English Outdoor Council.2015)
(a) To be a base to conduct outdoor and environmental activities either at the Centre itself, adjacent areas, or study areas within North Queensland.
(b) To provide a wide range of resources-physical and personnel to be used by schools in implementing Environmental Education programs.
(c) To provide adequate accommodation and facilities should an overnight camp be necessary.
(d) To provide an in-service role for teachers to develop strategies, procedures, and expertise in planning and implementing a field trip.
(e) To develop programs which will enable students to achieve the aims of Environmental Education and which complements and supports curriculum materials in the key learning areas.
(f) To provide personnel and resources to assist geographically distant schools to implement Environmental Education policies and programs.
Teachers should address this question before booking the Centre. Ideally the reason for visiting an Environmental Education Centre should be an integral part of the school Curriculum as practical "hands-on" work for a particular unit of study.
It is suggested that teachers do not think of the Centre as "JUST A TRIP" to escape the classroom.
Consider which of the following aims best describes your reasons for going to the Centre.
(a) To encourage pupils to examine the beliefs, attitudes and values they hold and evaluate the consequences of their behaviour towards the environment.
(b) To communicate to pupils, other teachers, administrators and the general public the nature of Environmental Education.
(c) To originate, stimulate and/or compliment the development of a school based environmental education program.
(d) To provide an information base for knowledge and attitudes about the environmental issues for the pupils, other teachers and parents.
(e) To assist groups and individuals to gain a variety of experiences with various types of habitats.
(f) To develop in the students and teachers the skills necessary for identifying, studying and attempting to solve environmental problems in their local environment.
(g) To encourage the development of a sound environmental ethic.
(h) To assist in achieving the outcomes outlined in the Science and HPE syllabi and other key learning areas.
If your reasons for using the Centre are not covered by one or more of the above statements, please contact one of the staff members to discuss aims as this may not be the right venue for your excursion.
Assist teachers to:
- organise field experiences and activities;
- design and implement programmes on specific projects;
- develop the centre as a resource facility;
- help teachers organise their own field trip;
- advise on aspects of environmental education;
- manage field study areas with a view to safety and pressure of usage;
- provide in-service to teachers;
- assist teachers with the development of specific resources.
Assist students to develop:
- environmental awareness by using all their senses to explore the environment and expressing personal feelings through creative activities;
- understanding of component parts of an ecosystem and how they interact;
- skills for investigating environmental problems and preparing solutions;
- some physical skills involved in outdoor recreational pursuits to enhance appreciation of the environment.
Centre staff will be responsible for the organisation and co-ordination of the day time program in liaison with teachers. The evening activities are the responsibility of the visiting teachers however assistance and advice is available by prior arrangement.
Before your excursion:
Must follow our Camp Planning checklist to help you plan a successful camp.
If you would like to have a pre-visit prior to the start of your camp, please book a time with your TEEC coordinating teacher.
If a parent needs to contact a student on camp, it is the school's responsibility to provide the visiting school's staff member's name and contact information.
During your excursion:
(a) You should also be aware that whilst the teaching staff of the centre will lead most of the activities, accompanying teachers should take an active role in participating in the activities and managing the group. You may also be required to lead various activities. Some preparation for this may be necessary. You will be completely responsible for your group in the late afternoon, evening and early morning.
(b) Be responsible for discipline, organise menus and meals.
(c) Administer and record any medication listed on "Administration of Medication" forms and supplied together with the required instructions. In addition, the First Aid Register should be completed if and when necessary.
(d) Remember that if you need to go into any student accommodation, that you make sure there is more than one student with you.
(e) Before leaving the Centre, if any accident(s) /incident(s) occur, please ensure to complete a WHS Incident form with the TEEC principal.
After your excursion:
(a) If you have incorporated the camp into your curriculum delivery, the centre would appreciate if you would forward a copy to your TEEC coordinating teacher.
(b) It would be appreciated if the visiting teacher(s) and adult(s) provide feedback via the online survey.
(c) The centre would appreciate if the visiting teacher(s) consider providing a testimonial.
When planning activities and excursions, teachers should bear in mind the role of the non-teaching adults.
(a) Parents can contribute an invaluable role in the success of the camp.
(b) Their assistance in helping supervise students during meal preparation, cooking and cleaning, showers, group work and their general conduct cannot be overlooked.
(c) However, it should be understood by parents and teachers that asking non-teaching adults to supervise activities, where their legal responsibilities could be questioned at a later date, (eg: swimming) must be avoided.
(d) It is also suggested that when organising camps teachers should think very carefully of the number of parents accompanying the school trip.
(e) To avoid the problem of "which parent will we take teachers / P&C / staff /school administration should decide upon a policy of selection, of which parents have been informed prior to volunteers being called for.
(f) The role of parents should be defined so as not to minimise the learning experience of students, ie: parents are not to inhibit students by performing tasks which are an integral part of the activity (e.g: putting up tents for students or tidying up after them) - refer appendix "Parents Role at Centre".
(g) It is important to point out to visiting adults the need to avoid any situation which finds them alone with a student in a dorm or tent.
It is responsibility of the classroom teacher to adequately inform parents. We recommend that you use the information from this site to convey to parents information such as:
(a) The presence of Environmental Education Centre teacher as well as you during day activities.
(b) The First Aid qualifications of Environmental Education Centre teachers (current First Aid Certificates).
(c) The presence of a vehicle at all times in case of emergency.
(d) The location of Centre and telephone number.
(e) When advising parents of the details of your proposed camp, it is essential that they be given full details of the activities to be undertaken by the pupils on the camp. With this specific information, parents are able to make a decision and hopefully give 'informed' consent for their children to attend the camp and participate in the program of activities.
All activities undertaken at Environmental Education Centres in Queensland conform to the Education Queensland Health and Safety Policy and Procedures.
This centre has documented the information requested (to give informed consent) for each activity offered here at this centre. See here.
TEEC teachers will work with your staff to customise programs to meet learning outcomes:
- Day visit
- 3 to 5 day camps
- Expeditions