Risk management
As a Department of Education facility, the Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre adheres to the safety standards required by the department. For all program activities, TEEC takes responsibility for Curriculum Activity Risk Assessments deemed to be of a high risk.
View the
CARA documents in the support and resources section for more details.
Visiting schools have a responsibility to ensure the following is completed:
1. Print the appropriate CARA form and attach it to your completed ‘Excursion Planner’.
2. Ensure TEEC informed consent and medical form has been completed by all staff and students.
3. For Special Needs students (impairments, behavioural issues, medical conditions or dietary requirements), it is the responsibility of your school to liaise with parents to formulate a management plan.
After collaboration with parents, your school, if necessary, can contact the TEEC coordinating teacher to develop systems to ensure that individual needs can be catered for. Additional forms may be required.
Quality programs and safety procedures are paramount to the operations of the Tinaroo Environmental Education School. This is achieved through:
- Highly trained and qualified instructional staff
- All TEEC teachers hold a current Senior First Aid Certificate
- All staff are involved with an annual induction/refresher courses
- Curriculum Activity Risk Assessments (CARA) are completed for medium and high risk activities. CARAs are comprehensively reviewed by all TEEC teaching staff annually, with changes and modifications made throughout the year based on best practice. These are incorporated within the activity to ensure control measures are implemented by the centre to avoid or minimise risks
- Procedures are in place to effectively deal with emergency situations at all venues
- Each camp is reviewed weekly to streamline procedures ensuring best practice through program efficiency, effectiveness and safety
- Mobile phones and first aid kits are carried with TEEC group teacher for off-site activities
- Visiting school teachers are required to carry relevant individual student medication for off-site activities
- TEEC Teachers ensure all adult supervisors are aware of all relevant responsibilities and curriculum activity risk management strategies
- Daily program flexibility to modify activities, relocated or seek activity alternatives
- The TEEC complies with the Department of Education’s ‘Sun Smart Policy’