
Human impact


Lesson Purpose

  1. What – Introduce the concept of ‘Catchment’ – what is a catchment?
  2. Use the interactive whiteboard to illustrate the impact of humans on the catchment

Time Needed

20-30 mins

Year Levels

Year 5 - 7


TEEC Staff Member

Australian Curriculum

During the course of this activity it may be possible to target a number of the "Content Descriptions" across year levels five to seven.

Year 5


Science Understanding
Biological sciences
  • Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment.
Science as a Human Endeavour
Use and influence of science
  • Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions.


Unit 2 : Managing Australian communities
  • The influence of people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, on the environmental characteristics of Australian places.
  • The environmental and human influences on the location and characteristics of a place and the management of spaces within them.

Year 6


Science Understanding
Biological sciences
  • The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment.
Physical sciences
  • Electrical energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits and can be generated from a range of sources.
Science as a Human Endeavour
Use and influence of science
  • Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions.


Unit 5 : Making decisions to benefit my community
  • The effect that consumer and financial decisions can have on the individual, the broader community and the environment.

Year 7


Science Understanding
Biological sciences
  • Classification helps organise the diverse group of organisms.
  • Interactions between organisms, including the effects of human activities can be represented by food chains and food webs.
Earth and space sciences
  • Some of Earth’s resources are renewable, including water that cycles through the environment, but others are non-renewable.
Science as a Human Endeavour
Nature and development of science
  • Science knowledge can develop through collaboration across the disciplines of science and the contributions of people from a range of cultures.
Use and influence of science
  • Solutions to contemporary issues that are found using science and technology, may impact on other areas of society and may involve ethical considerations. 
  • People use science understanding and skills in their occupations and thses have influenced the development of practices in areas of human activity.


Geographical Knowledge and Understanding
Unit 1 : Water in the world
  • The classification of environmental resources and the forms that water takes as a resource.
  • The ways that flows of water connects places as it moves through the environment and the way this affects places.
  • The quantity and variability of Australia's water resources compared with other continents.
  • The economic, cultural, spiritual and aesthetic value of water for people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and peoples of the Asia region.
Unit 2 : Place and liveability
  • Factors that influence the decisions people make about where to live and their perceptions of the liveability of places.
  • The influence of environmental quality on the liveability of places.
  • The strategies used to enhance the liveability of places, especially for young people, including examples from Australia and Europe.


Unit 2 : Water in the world
  • Classification of environmental resources and the forms that water takes as a resource.
  • The way that flows of water connect places as they move through the environment and the way these affect places.
  • The quantity and variability of Australia's water resources compared with other continents.
Unit 4 : Analysing liveability
  • Factors that influence the decisions people make about where to live and their perceptions of the liveability of places.
  • The influence of environmental quality on the liveability of places.
  • The strategies used to enhance the liveability of places, especially for young people, including examples from Australia and Europe.
Last reviewed 05 February 2020
Last updated 05 February 2020